China: Cat Torture .. And Once Again … This is Why. Kitten Impaled With Toothpicks.

Stick with us.

We’ve already published a series of images with cat abuse and descriptions of what was being done. These were as yet missing.

Even for us here at WAV, we need to remind ourselves that, until the Chinese Government acts decisively, these horrors are ongoing.

And MUST be fought. And the evidence MUST be collected, and published, hard as it may be – for us all.

So please use these images, as we do, FG and others working to end this, for your protests, mails, communication with decision makers, Press, etc.

One thought on “China: Cat Torture .. And Once Again … This is Why. Kitten Impaled With Toothpicks.”

  1. What else can we expect from the Asian people. Sick, deprived and corrupt.
    Japan and its people paid for a new huge Factory Ship to saluter whale’s.

    Truly a race that is totally Despicable!!!!!


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