Month: February 2019

Hunters and weapons industry: a deadly mix!




There was only bad news to report about the hunt in Italy in the last hunting season, considering the fact that various species of animals were extinct or decimated because of the hunting.

jäger mit Hosen unten
Or that non-native animal species were introduced to nature by hunting societies and thus disrupted the ecological balance, which ultimately harmed even humans, for example the wild boar.

But hunting in Italy is also a violation of private property, thanks to an outdated Article 842 of the Civil Code, which authorizes the hunters to invade foreign property without any consent of the owners.
And it is also an encroachment on the inviolable right to vote, which forbids the citizens to take a stand, as the example of the Piedmont region shows.

Jäger auf Hochsitz mit Gattertierefb

The hunt is also the only “sport”, which every year injures and kills countless people. As every year, at the end of the hunting season (1st September – 31st January), the Association of Hunting Victims, which has been active since 2007, has put together a dossier with the victims of hunting weapons.

Data on accidents during the hunting season in Italy (2018/2019)

Civil Non-Hunters: Total 27 victims, 18 injured and 9 dead
Hunter: Total 53 victims, 41 injured and 12 dead
Totally 80 victims, 59 injured and 21 dead
2 children were injured
In the hunting area, there were 13 dead and 50 injured (including 2 children), so 63 victims.
Outside the hunting area there were 8 dead and 9 injured, so 17 victims. Of these, 7 dead and 7 injured are not hunters but civilians.

Cover_HadererMost hunting accidents are recorded in Campania in southwestern Italy with 15 victims. Followed by the Friuli, Lazio and Lombardy. Not known is the number of pets killed and protected wildlife; including wolves, bears and birds of prey. In addition, there are dangerous firing shots not far from inhabited settlement areas, and tons of lead residue from hunting ammunition in the countryside or hunters shooting at animals fleeing forest fires.

The Constitutional Court in Piedmont also made it clear last year that the hunt can not be recognized as positive from an environmental and animal welfare point of view.

But the association also points out that although the hunters are becoming fewer and fewer, they are still privileged by politics, especially the PD (partito democratico italiano) and the Lega.

It is an old story (and not only in Italy): the hunters have influence, but also the arms industry with its lobbyists in parliament and in the regions. Hunters and weapons industry. A deadly blend that damages nature and kills humans and animals …

My comment: Hunters are still a small minority, in Germany0.45% of the population.

But because the majority is silent, the minorities operate dominant, with the right of the stronger.

The hunt has always been the sport of the rich and powerful. From the nobility to the Nazis, in Germany, later also politicians of Germany and of course the Ex- DDR (democratic German Republic). You know each other, have the same interests and you will be seen. No wonder that the hunters have a strong lobby.

We are anyway governed by the lobbyists, is there an area that is not lobby contaminated? As a voter, you can vote for all sacred times, but the rest of the time the lobbyists have the say.

“They use the failure of their conscience as proof of their integrity” and so they are even proud of their criminal machinations.

Hunters are murderers, nothing more and nothing less!

My bestr regards, Venus



Macaca monkeys: efficient agriculture slaves




The animal “staff” is used wherever the palms are too high and the work is too uneconomical or too dangerous for humans.
For macaques closely related to rhesus monkeys, the 6-hour day is worked from 7 to 10 o’clock in the morning and from 2 to 5 o’clock in the afternoon on palm trees up to 25 meters in height. There are no rewards. Not diligent are whipped in the old slave style.

First of all, the human being gains respect with the same means that a monkey-bob applies: with blows, strangulation on the collar, and threats.

Affe der Coconuts trägt jpg

 He and his colleagues load hundreds of coconuts onto the trucks, which transport them from one picking location to the next. There is a lunch break when his foreman makes one, not when he wants. Work is done until five in the afternoon.


Sometimes strangers come by to watch, clap and shout. Then the foreman does not demand the same amount of work as usual.
Some even want to touch him and always, always this leash, so that he does not run away …

We are talking about the modern slaves, the macaca monkeys of Thailand.

Hochklettern. Affejpg

Poachers take them away as babies from their breastfeeding mothers who are shot before. Some are also caught in the woods with nets or traps.
Their training, which often includes punches and whips, usually takes up to two years. Every command has to sit. During training and beyond, the monkeys are usually tethered or imprisoned. Sometimes they have little or no opportunity for social contact with other conspecifics. Until they learn to harvest the coconuts, sort them and put them in sacks.

The next time you use coconut milk while cooking, look at the packaging. If they come from Thailand, the nuts were probably picked by monkeys.


Harvest monkeys can hardly be ruled out safely. A guide can be the price.  Monkeys are often used for cheap coconut products.
Large organic chains such as Alnatura or dennree have taken the issue seriously and exclude slave monkeys from their products.


My comment: This corresponds to medieval habits.

Completely devoid of rights and delivered to their fate, these monkeys, they are more like slaves on cotton fields.
And these are unfortunately not the only ones who have to provide their workforce.

I also think of other animals: donkeys as pack animals, who are fully packed and haul themselves through the streets and mountains.

Tormented elephants, whose will as a baby was violently broken, so that stupid tourists can ride on them.

Costumed and made-up monkeys as exotic fun for tourists.

Horses forced to pull carriages through the noisy city traffic to the point of complete exhaustion.

Ponies who have to turn round the day in so-called pony carousels for pleasure every day.

These are the present-day proletarians of this earth, “who have nothing to lose but their chains”.
With no hope for a revolution that would give them rights and free them from slavery.

“The proletarian is exploited. But his situation is not hopeless. He can help himself: He can look for allies, can organize himself, tells his tormentors to fight, so he has a chance to improve his situation. ” said Willi Eichler and that has come true in human animals.

Non human animals can not speak for themselves and certainly not put themselves collectively against their exploiters to defend.

They only have us.

It is all the more important that we speak for them and stand up for them.

Our solidarity is with the animals.

My Best regards, Venus




Pink, blue and green chicks are sold as toys in markets!


say NO to color chickenpg

The trend is originally from Asia. For dyeing, many of the poor animals are placed in large vats, doused with paint and then “mixed” and colored.

At the markets they are then sold and usually put to four or five in PLASTIC BAGS!

Bunte kücken
Normal “common sense” helps everyone to know that something like that can not be healthy for the animals.

In Koh Lanta in the south of Thailand, traders offer the dyed chicks. Tourists saw a pink chick for the first time and photographed it. As they continued to look around, they spotted several bags of red, yellow or green live chicks on a truck. Although the outside temperature was over 35 degrees, the trader packed the poor chicks airtight in plastic. There the chicks waited without water, food or air and suffered hellish torments.

A few months ago, China produced popular souvenirs for South Asian countries, but this country, China, can not outrun any other country in terms of cruelty. We remember the living animals as key rings.

Schlüssel Abhänger mit lebenden Tiere

The trend originated in Asia, but anyone who believes that it is just a trend from Asia is wrong. Especially at Easter the business with colorful chicks is booming in the USA and, as already written, in Europe. If you look for colorful chicks on Twitter, you will find it in markets in Spain. In these countries, the dye is even partially injected into the not yet hatched chicken egg. Although animals staining was banned in the US, such as poodles, chicks were not included.

As a New York Times report says, color lasts only a few weeks, as chicks regrow feathers in their natural color. The worst fear is that many people buy the animals because they are special. If the chicks change the feather, they get the normal plumage color, then they are uninteresting and are simply disposed of!

männliches Kücken jpg

Animal rights activists have resisted this practice for a long time.


My comment: Yes, it is also a matter of taste, say most vacationers who come back from vacation with a gruesome piece of souvenir – which, as you know, could still be argued about.

But what is it for people who put stuffed caimans in the apartment, find dried seahorses beautiful or enjoy ivory…. At the latest, if you think that an animal had to die for your souvenir, possibly even brutally poached, it is clear that these souvenirs are a matter of morality and responsibility in particular.

And you can not argue about that anymore.

My best  regards, Venus



Germany: ‘Fat Rat’ Is Rescued By Daring Effort of 12 Firefighters. Returned to Sewer, and Maybe A Diet !!




He is even a star on the BBC news this morning: 


I just love this story. 

A dozen firefighters help to free an overweight rat when it became stuck in a manhole cover in Germany.

See the daring rescue video and more pictures here:


I can hear some saying ‘it is a rat and should have been killed’.

I say ‘it is a sentient being that does not want to die any more than you do’.

Congratulations to the fire team who rescued the rat and helped it back to the sewer – and maybe a diet !

Regards Mark


Any excuse for me to play ‘The Stranglers’:



More than 200 sheep killed as lorry overturns in Scotland.


William Armstrong – the livestock haulage specialist.


Source –

Over 200 sheep died in the crash

More than 200 sheep killed as lorry overturns in Scotland

More than 200 sheep have died after a lorry transporting the animals overturned on a road in Scotland.

The crash happened on the A76 in Dumfries and Galloway on Monday evening.

Nithsdale Police tweeted an image of the Wm Armstrong transporter on its side near Enterkinfoot.

They wrote online: “Crash happened around 10:50 PM last night (Monday 25th) near to Enterkinfoot, south of Mennock. The driver received minor injuries, however over 200 sheep onboard died. ”

The driver received only minor injuries.

The route has since reopened and officers have appealed for witnesses to the crash at around 10.50pm.

European Union Court Rules Halal Meat Cannot Get Organic Label.


Photographs from our archive and not part of original article – WAV.

European Union Court Rules Halal Meat Cannot Get Organic Label

The EU Court of Justice said on Tuesday that such labelling aims to ensure products have been obtained in observance of the highest standards in animal welfare.

Halal meat

Source –

Paris: The European Union’s top court has ruled that the EU organic food logo cannot be used on meat derived from animals that have been slaughtered in accordance with religious rites without first being stunned.

The EU Court of Justice said on Tuesday that such labelling aims to ensure products have been obtained in observance of the highest standards in animal welfare.

Halal 1
The court says the stunning technique significantly reduces animal suffering

A French animal welfare association brought the case in 2012, arguing that halal beef shouldn’t be labelled organic.

The ruling states that the practice of ritual slaughter as part of which an animal may be killed without first being stunned is authorised by an exception to the general rule in the EU to ensure observance of the freedom of religion.

Halal 2

Halal 3

UK: You Expect Abuse In Some Zoo Shitholes; But It Should Not Happen In The UK Zoos !


The latest newsletter from ‘Freedom for Animals’ (UK).

So far 2019 has been a tragic year for animals in UK zoos. In that time endangered species have been exploited for entertainment, had their lives put at risk and some are now DEAD as a result.

Dartmoor Zoo using lions and tigers in ‘Human vs Beast’ entertainments – what has it come to ?


Click on any of the following links to obtain more info:

In just the last month:


Don’t forget – 19 – 22/4 is Zoo Awareness weekend.

We will be publishing any news on this as we get nearer the date.


Yet still too many people do not know the truth about zoos.. BUT you can change that! Please read these stories, share with other people and ask them to start questioning zoos.

Why do they hold these animals captive?
What are the true outcomes of their so-called ‘conservation’ claims?
How many animals really make it back to the wild?

Animals in captivity sufffer and with you, we are fighting to stop that.

Another great action you can take is to join us as a Freedom Champion. Our Champions back crucial undercover investigation work, research, lobbying and outreach to get the message out there, to expose the suffering and to ultimately FREE animals. Will you join them?

All of this news is hard to bare, I know. But this is why we need to speak out for animals in zoos, to fight harder for an end to animal captivity.

SAVE THE DATE! Zoo Awareness Weekend 2019
19th-22nd April 2019

For our annual ‘Zoo Awareness Weekend’ we will be launching a brand new undercover investigation exposing the zoo industry!

Will you take part?

Save the date and I will be in touch soon with more details!

For the animals,

Nicola O’Brien
Campaigns Director 







UK: Government Confirmation of ‘Strengthened Protections’ for Animal Welfare / Sentience When the UK Leaves the EU (March 2019 ?).



We very recently contacted the UK government about the issue of ‘animal sentience’ once the UK leaves the EU – which we hope will be very son at the end of March 29019.

eu uk 4

Here below is a written reply that we have had on this; and we are very satisfied to see that the UK government has pledged “the sentience of animals will continue to be recognised and protections strengthened when we leave the EU

We have always said that once we can get away from the un-enforced welfare regulations of the EU; the UK will improve animal welfare legislation due to the demands of the British public.  The letter really confirms this by talking of ‘protections strengthened when we leave the EU’.

Here is a copy of the formal response sent by the government.

Regards Mark

AH 26 2 without address