Tag: Vivisection

Mauritius: the supplier of the labor mafia



Ethics? The billion-dollar companies such as VW, BMW and Daimler are now because of the test series of monkeys in the criticism, but honestly, what has changed since the announcement of the exhaust gas scandal really?

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Mauritius is after China the number 2 country selling monkeys for animal testing.
Tens of thousands of monkeys are kept in large farms across the island. The offspring of these wild-caught monkeys are then sent to labs around the world.

In 2016, the breeders exported 8245 animals to North America and Europe – nearly half of them to the United States (see table below).




6000 primates suffer every year in research in Europe with the support of taxpayers!

Ethics play no role in the global economy today! This is shown by the 10 monkeys, who were sitting in an airtight gas chamber, inhaling the fumes from a VW Beetle, while “cartoons” were shown on a screen.


The car used in the experiment was equipped with illegal fraud software. As a result of the rapid increase in laboratory tests on live monkeys, Sir David Attenborough published an open letter in 2016 (see below).

Every year around 6000 primates suffer from research in Europe. The Patent Office in Munich even approved patents on great apes in 2012.

According to the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, about 2.8 million animals were used for scientific purposes in 2014, including 4636 dogs and 997 cats. Large centers with laboratory laboratories are located in Munich, Berlin, Dusseldorf, Hanover, Heidelberg, Tübingen and Freiburg.

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Instead of stopping the animal experiments, there is even a new initiative for animal experiments to be financed with taxpayers’ money.

The German Research Foundation (DFG) is an institution for the promotion of science and research in the Federal Republic of Germany.

In 2015, it had a subsidy budget of 2.84 billion euros. The DFG not only funds animal experiments but also supports the new campaign “Understanding Animal Experiments” (!!!).

How great the pressure from opponents of animal experiments is, shows the new campaign of the Alliance of Science Organizations. It is an association of science and research organizations in Germany. With a new initiative, science in Germany wants to inform comprehensively and transparently (!!!) about animal experiments in research. The Alliance of Science Organizations presented their joint project “Understanding Animal Experiments” on September 6, 2016 in Berlin.

It offers a variety of information material on an Internet platform and via social media, provides experts and allows interactive discussions. This campaign costs 250,000 euros annually and is initially limited to three years. The money comes from the five members of the Alliance, who work with animal experiments themselves. In addition, the German Research Foundation (DFG) finances a full-time position to update the contents of the site and to answer inquiries from the population.

The illegal trade in endangered animals for so-called research is a billion dollar business. Especially in China, the demand is increasing more and more. Also great apes find rapid sales there.


After a doctor pointed out to us in 2013 the monkeys in Mauritius and we made this public, the doctor was threatened and she had to stop her engagement against this massacre. She was even threatened with a career ban. We can see how big this criminal lobby is.

The monkeys are crammed into small wooden boxes and shipped as cargo in passenger aircraft. On long-haul flights, animals suffer from hunger, thirst, anxiety and stress. Animal rights activists have been protesting for years. Many airlines have already left the cruel transport business due to the worldwide protests.

Mauritius still supplies the primates for animal experiments.

What happens to monkeys from Mauritius in the animal experiment lab … can be seen in this video.

Sir David Attenborough is part of a group of leading scientists and animal welfare experts from around the world who have signed an open letter calling for an end to the use of primates for neuroscientific testing.

The letter, published in The Independent, calls for an end to support for certain neuroscientific experiments given the scale of the suffering inflicted on animals and the availability of human approaches.

The Attenborough Komodo Dragon House

“We, the undersigned, are concerned about the extent of the suffering that occurs in many neuroscience experiments on non-human primates, especially when it comes to fluid deprivation and movement restriction.

We believe there is now enough progress on human alternatives and are seriously wondering if further research of this kind is needed, ” says the letter organized by animal rights organization Cruelty Free International.

The naturalist said that recent findings in understanding the ability of primates to suffer pain meant that science should no longer expose monkeys to painful or cruel experiments.

“Realizing that monkeys are, to a certain extent, similar to other primates, and that these animals suffer just as much as we suffer, has changed our attitude and should not be misused to our own benefit,” said Sir David Attenborough after he had signed the letter.



My comment: In Mauritius itself, there have been no animal experiments. But the government has now launched a law that will allow the establishment of animal testing laboratories.
Animal experimenters are to be lured into the country to be able to conduct research on monkeys directly on site.
A billion dollar business, a corrupt mafia that earns it and corrupt countries that support this business. From this recycling of violence and unscrupulousness lives the business of the laboratory mafia.

Long-tailed macaques are caught in the wild with traps and penned for mass-breeding in animal factories – a legalized crime. Animals for which there are no consumers, such as big males, are killed and disposed of like garbage.

Affen in Müllkontainer

The breeding establishment Noveprim in Mauritius belongs to 47% of the company Covance. The American company has contract laboratories around the world, including in Münster, Germany.

At Covance in Münster every year about 1,000-2,000 monkeys are killed in painful toxicity tests. The animals are pumped chemicals or drugs into the stomach with a tube or injected into the bloodstream. Eventually the animals are killed.

For many years, the Doctors against animal tests, have together with their European partners launched and supported various protest and letter campaigns from ECEAE (European Coalition to End Animal Experiments).

Please sign the petition: https://secure.avaaz.org/en/community_petitions/Stop_the_cruel_Mauritius_monkey_trade_4/


My best regards to all, Venus