Greece: How animal charities are racing to save dogs, deer, hedgehogs and tortoises from Greece wildfires.

Almost 500 cats and dogs were treated at a pop-up shelter in Athens in the course of one week as the wildfires raged (Photo: Dogs Voice)

How animal charities are racing to save dogs, deer, hedgehogs and tortoises from Greece wildfires

Volunteers have been working round the clock to rescue pets and wildlife – from cats to deer -caught up in the fierce blazes

Teams of volunteers from charity Anima have been going out to the areas where the wildfires have burnt to rescue and treat wildlife (Photo: Anima)

Among the vulnerable wildlife are chicks abandoned in nests as the fires take hold (Photo: Anima)

Greece’s wildfires have ravaged the landscape and taken their toll on the human population, but they have also been a disaster for animals – and animal charities are on the frontline of the scorched habitats.

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How animal charities are racing to save dogs, deer, hedgehogs and tortoises from Greece wildfires (

Regards Mark

In one week, Dogs’ Voice treated 444 dogs, cats and one parrot at the shelter in the Greek capital (Photo: Dogs’ Voice)

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