Day: May 14, 2024

England: Brit woman dubbed ‘The Immolator’ admits role in sick monkey torture ring where fiends pay to put animals in blenders.

This shows, as does our expose of Chinese cat torture – Search Results for “china cat torture” – World Animals Voice – that this sickening abuse spreads far and wide around the globe.

But the abusers can run but no longer hide; as campaigners across the globe are now hunting them down, publishing their photographs and detailing their convictions for authorities across the world to use when bringing convictions.  We are in the final stages of putting together all of our data which will be presented to the relevant authorities for actions.

You can see from the article below that despite the involvement of British and UK persons in these abuses; 2 people have also been imprisoned in Indonesia for same.

A very interesting article regarding UK animal torture.  A British woman admits her role in monkey torture ring.

Click on link to see all photographs and a video of her arriving at court.

Link – Brit woman dubbed ‘The Immolator’ admits role in sick monkey torture ring where fiends pay to put animals in blenders | The Sun

Copied from the article (link above) produced by The Sun – a UK newspaper.

Holly LeGresley today pleaded guilty to the charges Credit: Facebook

A probe found people were paying Indonesians to torture monkeys Credit: BBC

A BRIT known as The Immolator has admitted to her role in a monkey torture ring where fiends pay for the animals to be killed for sexual kicks.

Self-proclaimed animal lover Holly LeGresley, 37, led a secret life as a moderator in one of the global online groups.

She today admitted publishing an obscene article and causing unnecessary suffering to a protected animal.

Co-defendant Adriana Orme, 55, indicated no plea to the charges at Worcester Magistrates’ Court today.

The pair, from Kidderminster and Upton-upon Severn, were released on conditional bail.

LeGresley, who will be sentenced next month, published 22 images and 132 monkey torture videos to online chat groups, the charge sheet states.

She also made a payment of £17.24 to a PayPal account to encourage cruelty.

Orme allegedly uploaded one image and 26 videos of monkey torture between April 14 and June 16, 2022.

She is accused of encouraging or assisting the commission of unnecessary suffering by making a £10 payment to a PayPal account on April 26, 2022.

The court was told the women had “not carried out monkey torture themselves”.

West Mercia Police confirmed the charges are in relation to causing, consuming and facilitating the torture of monkeys.

It came after the BBC exposed a global monkey torture gang following a year-long investigation.

They discovered hundreds were paying Indonesians to kill infant long-tailed macaques on video.

Torture methods include setting the animals on fire and putting them in blenders.

LeGresley was known as The Immolator, meaning someone who practises sacrifice.

She once ran a poll on which torture method should be used on a baby monkey.

The bird lover describes her love of gore on Facebook – branding Hannibal Lecter and Pennywise the Clown “horror icons”.

She has even lashed out at films that portray animal cruelty before, including Suicide Squad spin-off Birds of Prey.

Complaining about a scene where an aviary is set alight, LeGresley wrote: “That’s sick. You don’t do that s***, even [with] computer graphics because it’s too far.

“Shouldn’t be allowed to put such gratuitous animal cruelty in a movie when it doesn’t even really serve the story. Sick twisted people who made this film.

“Won’t be spending any more of my money on the franchise. What a disappointment.”

Three people including suspected ringleader Michael Macartney have been charged in the US.

The 50-year-old, who went by the alias “Torture King”, ran several chat groups from around the world on encrypted messaging app Telegram.

The groups shared sick ideas for custom-made torture videos, which were then sent with payments to Indonesia.

According to US court papers, Macartney is accused of distributing videos depicting the “torture, murder, and sexually sadistic mutilation of animals, specifically juvenile and adult monkeys”.

The BBC reports he has agreed to plead guilty to conspiracy charges and faces up to five years in jail.

He previously described joining his first Telegram monkey group, saying: “They had a poll set up. Do you want a hammer involved? Do you want pliers involved? Do you want a screwdriver?”

Macartney, from Virginia, said it was the “most grotesque thing I have ever seen”.

At least 20 people have been investigated over the sick videos – including three women living in the UK who were arrested in 2022.

Two people have been imprisoned in Indonesia, while David Christopher Noble and Nicole Devilbiss have been charged in the US.

WAV Comment – Please use this link to see all the photographs and a video:

Brit woman dubbed ‘The Immolator’ admits role in sick monkey torture ring where fiends pay to put animals in blenders | The Sun

Extra – We (WAV) are running 2 petitions relating to cat torture in China, which can be viewed and signed at:

UK – Petition · Chinese Cat Torture – Time For Action To Stop It. – United Kingdom ·

Germany –

We are experiencing huge problems (like many others around the world) in being able to present our petitions to the Chinese authorities.  Until we do, then the petitions remain.

So, Please sign and pass on, thank you.

Regards Mark and Diana

(China): In memory of the cat mothers and their children who have perished at the hands of Chinese torturers.


🐈 [In memory of mother cats]
Thousands of cats have fallen victim to Chinese cat abuse groups, including many mothers.
Some of them were tortured while they were still pregnant, others were tortured when they had just given birth, and some of them were tortured while their babies were tortured and others were forced to take their offspring or unborn children. Some had to watch themselves being eaten.
They were unable to provide their babies with the maternal love that their tormentors clearly never experienced.
Today, they and their babies are sleeping peacefully.
We offer this prayer in memory of the cat's mother and her children who lost their lives at the hands of Chinese torturers.

Posted @guardianes_felinos
En memoria de las madres gatunas y sus hijos que han perecido en manos de los torturadores chinos.