Day: May 21, 2024

Petition: Australia Is Finally Banning Live Sheep Exports. The UK Has Now Introduced A Ban. The European Union Must Follow Suit!


Petition Link:


petition: Australia is Finally Banning Live Sheep Exports. The European Union Must Follow Suit! (

In rare positive news about the live animal trade, Australia finally announced its plan to end its live sheep export trade by 2028, due to the serious animal welfare issues involved. Now, the European Union (EU) must follow suit.

As the world’s largest livestock exporter, the EU has a responsibility to lead by example and put an end to the cruel and perilous journeys that animals endure.

Sign the petition to demand the European Union Commission ban live sheep exports!

Animal welfare organizations have long criticized the live export trade for its cruelty. The heartbreaking reality is that animals in the live export trade suffer unimaginable conditions on long sea voyages during trade, leading to avoidable injury, sickness, and death.

Countries like Germany have already begun to acknowledge these horrors by restricting or ending their involvement in live exports, but the EU remains the largest live sheep exporter in the world. Now, it is time for the entire EU to step up and protect these vulnerable creatures.

As we move towards more humane and ethical practices, ending live exports is a crucial step. The proposed ban not only aligns with global moves to protect animal welfare but also addresses public health and ethical concerns.

European leaders must not delay in making this vital change. By banning live sheep exports, the EU can prevent further animal suffering and demonstrate its commitment to compassion and innovation in agriculture.

Sign the petition to join us in calling on the European Union Commission to enact a full ban on live sheep exports.

Regards Mark

Following photos – WAV / SAV contacts.

We expose live sheep being shipped from Serbia to Israel

Survey Reveals Majority of Citizens in EU Bullfighting Countries (Spain, France and Portugal) Are Against the Tradition.

WAV Archive Photos

17 May 2024


A survey conducted by CAS International shows that the majority of Spanish, French and Portuguese citizens are against bullfighting, and think the harmful tradition sees too much suffering to bulls.

Spain, France and Portugal are the only European countries that still allow bullfighting, including different patronal festivities with bulls and cows. 

7500 citizens were polled by Ipsos I&O Public on behalf of CAS International. Key finding included:

77% agreed that bullfighting causes too much suffering to bulls;

65% agreed that children under 18 should be prohibited from attending bullfights;

Only one in every five persons thought that bullfighting is a valuable tradition that should have a place in society;

58% favour a complete ban on bullfighting. 

It is clear that more and more people are becoming aware of the violence inflicted on bulls and people do not accept this anymore.

Maite van Gerwen, Director, CAS International

The European Union leaves the protection of animals that are used in cultural, traditional and religious events at the discretion of Member States. However, 74% of respondents agreed that the European Union should act to protect the welfare of animals in cultural traditions, and 67% did not agree with the use of national or EU subsidies to support bullfighting.

There are clear signs that interest in bullfighting is in a decline. In the past 20 years, the number of bullfights in France has decreased by 40%, and by 63% since 2007 in Spain. In Portugal, 166 bullfights were held in 2023, the lowest number ever recorded in the country.

Regards Mark