Germany: Circus elephant Mambo and his companion die painfully in the truck

Mambo and his fellow-sufferer are dead

Two agonizing lives have come to an agonizing end: Mambo, who was born around 1983 in the wild and has been abused as a circus clown since his capture, suffocated miserably in a van about 2 weeks ago together with a fellow sufferer whose name was not yet known to us.

This can be seen from current entries in the Elephant database.

Mambo and the elephant cows Tonga, Nanda, Betty, and Kimba (also caught in the wild) have been at the “mercy” of the Casselly family of tamers for years, who force them to perform disgusting tricks in the arena: unforgettable the unspeakable pictures, taken in 2017 in the Karlsruhe Christmas Circus when Mambo pulled a carriage through the ring in which a pony was sitting.

Furthermore, he and his fellow sufferers were repeatedly abused during the breaks as mounts and also as springboards.

During the engagement in Reutlinger Christmas Circus 2018/19 Mambo made headlines when he had to pull children on a sled through the snow.

At that time the “Südwest Presse” found the completely inappropriate headline: “Fun in the snow: Mambo the elephant pulls children on sleds” and received a lot of criticism for it.
The last time the elephants stepped in Germany in 2019/20 at Offenburg Christmas Circus, from where we received a video that showed how the elephants were beaten with an elephant hook before their appearance behind the tent.

So far, we have not yet been able to find out exactly how this terrible accident came about in Hungary. As soon as we have more information, we will let you know.
We are shocked by the horrific death of the two elephants.

One cannot even imagine the panic that must have filled them.

We mourn the two gray giants and will always keep them in fond memories.

According to a Hungarian media report, Casselly supposedly wants to build a retirement home for the remaining 3 elephants or give them to a zoo so that they can spend their old age there.

The two dead elephants are not mentioned in the article in the Hungarian newspaper of October 9th.

And I mean…The “great gardeners of the forest” are exploited to amuse and increase the attractiveness of circuses. Now the life of Mambo and his companion ends miserably and painfully in a truck on the transport to Hungary.

These incredible animals are being driven around the country, caged and forced to perform, kept in small spaces, deprived of physical and social needs, and trapped in vans for much of the time.

Circus animals are prisoners for life who are forced to perform often painful feats. The elephants know perfectly well that if they disobey they will be in pain.

Without the infliction of pain with an aid such as stun guns or elephant hooks, no elephant would perform these dressage numbers in the arena and certainly not stand up on their hind legs.

By the way, the European Elephant Group found that bulls Mambo has deformed rear legs, which should be noticed by any attentive official veterinarian. And these deformations are based on regularly overloaded joints, tendons, and muscles.

The German Minister of Agriculture Julia Klöckner was asked by the state ministers to ban the keeping of wild animals in the circus.

But according to media reports, Julia Klöckner has no interest in banning wild animals in the circus.
The Germany Animal Welfare Association speaks of currently more than 300 circuses traveling around Germany in which wild animals are to be pitied.

“We do not need self-appointed stable-police to monitor compliance with animal welfare”.
No, these words do not come from China, where the government criticized animal welfare organizations that used pictures to draw attention to the horrific situations in the slaughterhouses for dogs.
These words also come from the German Federal Minister of Agriculture Julia Klöckner.

It is shameful and uncivilized that there are still circuses with wild animals, animals at all, and ridiculous wildlife shows in Germany …

My best regards to all, Venus

8 thoughts on “Germany: Circus elephant Mambo and his companion die painfully in the truck”

  1. Venus and Others thank you for publishing the deplorable despicable horror inflicted on the innocents by humanity. Stay as strong as you possibly can and know you are much loved and counted on. Thank you, Dawn Spencer.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Dawn Spencer,
      Thank you for your support.
      It is very empowering to know that we are not alone in our fight for animal rights.

      by best regards to you


      1. I am glad they are dead, be afraid to die yourself and be judged for mistreating Gods creatures. Circuses are stupid and boring.


  2. Dear Venus,

    Thank you for sharing this tragedy with us! I myself saw these elephants several times, not during shows, they were truly amazing animals.

    In your article you are making some very serious allegations. Can you please provide some kind of proof? How do you know they suffocated in the truck? You say you received a video showing the elephants being beaten. Can you please share that with us? I would like to know what really happened, but I’m not going to believe anybody without proof. Neither is the rest of the educated world.

    If Animals Voice is to be taken seriously by educated people, please refrain from accusations without proof, and stick to the facts. You are losing credibility, and the animals will suffer as a result of this kind of attitude. That cannot be your goal, can it?

    Kind regards



      Educated, civilized people are against this circus mafia, which exploits wild animals as a money machine.
      Because educated people know very well what wild animals (and ALL animals) have to suffer in the circus business in order to lead stupid shows for uneducated, primitive viewers.
      Our job is to stand on the side of the animals and for animal rights and not for animal abusers, be it in the circus or in every imaginable animal exploitation industry.
      We won’t waste time debating animal exploiters.

      We will keep doing it, consistently, faithfully, uncompromisingly with everyone who shares the same moral views with us.


      1. Just try to use your common sense. I’m on the side of animals, every time. But please educate yourself before making unfounded accusations.
        Your attitude will turn well meaning people against you and your goals, that way animals will suffer. This is not about you, this is about animals. Do what’s best for them. Or do what you’re doing now, and turn everyone against you. It’s up to you.


      2. @polvguy
        I replied to you, read my reply on your comment from October 24, 2020.
        As a supporter of the circus industry you have so far tried everything to save the dubious death of the two elephants, and with it the business of the circus.

        But now they even come with warnings that if we keep telling the truth about circus practices everyone will be against us.
        If you are on the side of the animals with such methods, then the elephants don’t need enemies.
        Ridiculous! just ridiculous!


  3. On the subject of “How Mambo and Betty died” we are currently being bombarded by dubious “users”.
    We have already said it and will repeat it for the last time here: We do not debate animal abusers or their accomplices.
    Because they cheat because they lie.
    You have already lost as soon as you start a discussion with them.


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