Day: April 25, 2019

England: Another Terrible Loss – John Callaghan.



Following on from the terrible news today about the death of Eco Warrior Polly Higgins – I want to share a tribute to a personal friend and fellow live export campaigner.


Read the tribute from CIWF, London:

We are deeply saddened to share the tragic news that our friend and former staff member, John Callaghan has passed away.

John served throughout much of the 1990s as our Education Director and produced some excellent educational books on farm animal welfare. But, like all our senior staff, he played a major campaigning role during the mid-nineties when the live animal export protests were at their height.

Shoreham became a key export location when exports were banned at Dover and John became known as ‘Mr Shoreham’.  He was regularly down at the dockside, leading the protests with energy and passion. One of our major supporters wrote to us recently saying:

“John was the loveliest person and an inspiration to me and many others. It was his wonderful self-deprecating humour that drew us in to the whole animal welfare world when we met him at Shoreham all those years ago.”

A wonderful communicator, he shared his expertise and love of animal welfare both via the media and by inspiring many people to support the fight for a better life for animals.

After a stint working for World Animal Protection, John returned to us in early 2007 as Director of Programmes and Deputy CEO and we welcomed back his commitment and experience. He left in 2010 and moved back to Somerset to be near to his family.

Those of us who worked with him will always remember his dedication, his gentle heart and wonderful humour.

John C


I (Mark) had the immense pleasure of knowing John for many years. I did some work with him in the Netherlands in the mid 90’s when we took the CIWF exhibition truck all over the NL on the issue of intensive farming and live calf exports. As British calves were being exported to the NL at the time; we took some time out of our schedule to ‘sniff around’ and find out a little more about places they were being sent to.

John often used to hitch a ride in my car which I had taken to the Netherlands as part of the job. We shared many hours on the road; laughing, talking and generally trying to have a good time in work that we both knew the live animal export business caused immense suffering to – innocent, sentient beings.

As the CIWF tribute above says, I will always remember John as the most kind, humorous guy you could ever wish to meet – his dedication to animal welfare was 110%.

As Venus says with her post on Polly Higgins;

Why do the good, useful and hopeful people go out of the life so early?
And the assholes, the torturers, the criminals live long and have so much time to destroy life and nature?
This is an injustice that we experience more often and that offends us deeply.

True, very true. John also went far too early. I knew his son (John Jnr) also; and my condolences go out to him at this sad time.

RIP John- and thank you for all you did to improve the lives of all animals.

Regards Mark.


Here is a photo of John (man in the middle) I took many years ago at the EU in Brussels – a live export demo of all things – veal calves and veal crates !

John C and Richard H Brussels


Veal EU 2




… and (below); me in the Netherlands with the CIWF Tour Truck covering all aspects of intensive farming.  Note free range chickens !


Mark CIWF netherlands-1997

Russia: Weary Polar Bear Seen Searching for Food 700 Kilometers from Home.

Weary Polar Bear Seen Searching for Food 700 Kilometers from Home

Russian federation

Weary Polar Bear Seen Searching for Food 700 Kilometers from Home

Posted by Carly Day | April 22, 2019

A lone polar bear has strayed far from home, appearing in the small Russian village of Tilichiki this month.

According to Greenpeace activist Vladimir Chuprov, the nearest polar bear population to the village is in Chukotka, around 700 kilometers away.

It is thought that the bear arrived in the area via a floating piece of ice and is unable to return without assistance.

Locals have been keeping a close eye on the bear, some feeding fish to the weak and exhausted animal, and many posting videos and photos on social media.

“The bear is about two years old,” Alina Ukolova told CNN. “It is not very used to living independently, they usually live with their mother until they’re about three. It is exhausted, not aggressive. Locals feed him fish, and he eats it. Today, it felt better and went hunting.”

Polar bear populations worldwide are extremely vulnerable to the rapid changes brought on by climate change. Dependent on their icy habits to hunt for seals and fish, the WWF estimate that global numbers will decline by 30 percent in the next 20 years.

While many populations are considered to be stable, the numbers in Russia are not; they are classified as rare or recovering.

“In the conditions when the very ice edge where (polar) bear hunts and survives is being lost due to climate change, the Arctic is getting warmer, hunting environment gets smaller and less convenient,” said Chuprov. “The ice is receding, and (polar) bears look for new ways to survive. And the easiest way is coming to people.”

Local officials are planning to help the bear — nicknamed Umka — return to his home, but need time to sort out the logistics of sedating and transporting the large animal.

In the meantime, Tilichiki residents will monitor their rare visitor, hoping he survives long enough to go back to his rapidly disappearing Arctic home.


England: Justice for Helpless Chicks Dumped Like Trash Because they ‘Didn’t Sell At Easter’.



SIGN: Justice for Helpless Chicks Dumped Like Trash Because they ‘Didn’t Sell At Easter’

SIGN: Justice for Helpless Chicks Dumped Like Trash Because they ‘Didn’t Sell At Easter’

Image Credit: Pxhere

Petition link:

SIGN: Justice for Helpless Chicks Dumped Like Trash Because they ‘Didn’t Sell At Easter’


PETITION TARGET: Cambridgeshire Police and Lincolnshire Police

Tossed like disposable trash, more than 160 helpless chicks were dumped on the roadside to die in the English counties of Cambridgeshire and Lincolnshire.

Sixty of the chicks were already dead by the time anyone found them. These baby birds never had a chance.

“They had no access to nearby food or water or shelter from predators and had they not been found, then sadly the rest would have perished as well,” said RSPCA inspector Justin Stubbs, describing the appalling scenario.

The chicks were abandoned in two separate incidents that appear to be connected, according to RSPCA spokesperson Amy Okelford, who believes the animals may have been for sale as pets and were discarded when they failed to sell in time for Easter.

It is never OK to simply throw out a living, breathing creature because they are not “profitable.”

Sign this petition urging police to do everything in their power to track down and prosecute the individual(s) behind these cruel acts.

Anyone with information about this case is urged to contact the RSPCA.


Eco warrior Polly Higgins has died.


Polly ecco warriorjpg

The award winning author, barrister and international ecocide law advocate passed away on the 21st of April. Higgins, a British barrister, led a decade-long campaign for “ecocide” to be recognised as a crime against humanity.

She was diagnosed last month, at the age of 50, with an aggressive cancer and given six weeks to live.

Polly had been campaigning to make ecocide an international crime and had launched a push for businesses to be made liable for any harm they do to the environment.

She presented her proposal for ecocide to be recognised as an international crime to the United Nations Law Commission, describing it as ‘one simple law to protect the Earth’.

She gave up her job and sold her house to finance the campaign.

Polly was also author of “Eradicating Ecocide” and created the first non-commercial trust fund for Earth Protectors.

The Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative (GRLI) announced the news of Polly’s death on twitter, posting: “A sad day and big loss to our community. Polly will be sorely missed but always remembered for her incredible work.”

Simon McBurney wrote: “Polly Higgins has left us. Inspirational friend, campaigner, lawyer, she dedicated her life to hold those committing ecocide to account. We must finish what she started.”

Women’s Voices Matter tweeted: “May her legacy live forever.

“Her dying wish was that we all sign up to Stop Ecocide: Change the Law.

“Everyone can sign up as an Earth Protector via

Stroud MP David Drew added to the tributes, saying: “Like so many people in Stroud, and indeed across the globe, I was sad to learn of the death of pioneering climate campaigner, Polly Higgins.

“Polly chose to make Stroud her home. This is a town which has a proud history of being at the forefront of change – and change is essential.

“The climate crisis is quite simply the biggest issue of our time. The growing cacophony of voices calling for action – from the Extinction Rebellion campaign, to Greta Thunberg, David Attenborough and Mark Carney – must not continue to be ignored.

“Climate change has been ignored by this government, which has eroded support for renewable energy. It is little wonder that frustrations are running high.

“I support the calls for proper government recognition that the crisis exists and the need for urgent action.

“Climate change is also a consequence of an economic system based on inequality. Taking the economy out of the control of the super-rich and creating a fairer more equal society will also create a greener world.

“Polly led the way, with her imaginative approach to valuing our environment. I have no doubt that Stroud people will continue to build on her legacy and she will remain an inspiration to us all.”

Details of Polly’s funeral have now been announced: it is set to take place on Friday, May 3 at 10am. This will be followed by her burial in Slad, close to where she lived. Everyone is welcome at the service.

Polly requested that nobody should wear black.

Only a few words about this: Why do the good, useful and hopeful people go out of the live so early?
And the assholes, the torturers, the criminals live long and have so much time to destroy life and nature?
This is an injustice that we experience more often and that offends us deeply.

Thank you for everything you have done for nature and animals, Polly.
We will not forget you and we will continue to fight as you would have done.

My best regards to all, Venus


Who gets the garbage?


China. MülljpgChina

Did you know that plastic waste is carted around the world and sometimes back?
We have to say that more than 320 million tonnes of plastic waste are produced worldwide every year and only an estimated 9% are recycled.
About 80% land in landfills or are dumped in the oceans because they do not know where to go!

In the case of plastic garbage, the Europeans top the list.


Nowhere in Europe does more per capita packaging waste accumulate than in Germany.
And so no one notices, they have simply brought the plastic waste to China. But Europe needs to find a new home for the nearly three million tons of plastic, as that amount has been exported to China.

China presented the world with a 111 million ton garbage problem.
But one has been looking for new customers and so the plastic waste ends up in Vietnam, Thailand and Malaysia.
In Vietnam, a part lands in the ocean, no one notices.
And the fish then eat the plastic and so the plastic waste comes back to Europe. Enjoy your meal!

China doesn’t want our garbage anymore – where to go now?

The Germans produce so much rubbish than any other European country.
Only about 42% of the plastic waste in Germany is recycled. Under the motto: “out of sight, out of mind” the plastic waste is exported to Asia.
But there is another problem here: China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam are throwing more plastic into the oceans than the rest of the world, and this is exactly where EU plastic waste is exported.


China was the world’s largest importer of plastic waste, including paper and textiles, but that’s over now. China’s ban affects mainly Europe and the US, they are the largest exporters that dumped their waste in China.

In 2015, according to China’s Ministry of the Environment, up to 47 million tons were imported. It is a continuing “war on pollution” in China.
It is also part of the country’s efforts to move up the supply chain and reduce its dependence on substandard industries, according to the Environment Minister.


With imports of 170.5 million tonnes (MMT) in 28 years, China was the leader with 72.4% of world imports. After China says no to plastic garbage, the world needs a new plan.

Malaysia, Vietnam, Turkey, India and Indonesia accounted for around 60% of the waste that was otherwise exported to China.

Vietnam is one of the five countries that throw plastic garbage into the ocean.


With lax laws and poor waste management infrastructure, plastic garbage ends up in the ocean. Meanwhile, there are almost more plastic than sand on the long beaches. The once quiet and clean beach of Da Loc in the Vietnamese province of Thanh Hoa, south of the capital Hanoi, has been suffocating for decades under the weight of plastic waste.


Vietnam not only imports plastic waste, but also produces plastic waste. Vietnam ranks fourth in Asia, the other three Asian countries producing the most plastic waste are China, Indonesia and the Philippines.

The EU data show that Malaysia, Vietnam and India imported far more plastic waste from Europe at the beginning of 2018 than before.
Do you still eat fish from Asia? Now your appetite should have passed, because Vietnam is also the big exporter of fish to the EU.

My comment:  Our economic system is based on consumption and renewed consumption. The production of garbage (bought today – throw it away tomorrow) is system madness!  Waste production is only organized environmental crime!

Human being in itself is not worth living on this unique planet. It destroys it, unstoppable … Finally, this problem is solved by itself – the planet does not need us 🙂
Our species will only survive if it restricts its growth and reaches equilibrium, and especially if it takes intentions out of nonsensical waste concepts such as … “Nature knows no garbage, it recycles everything”!

Surfing the Brown Water.

My best regards, Venus

April 25th – Today Is ‘World Penguin Day’ – But There Is Also Terrible News About Emperor Penguin Chicks.

Halley emperor penguins


April 25th

Observed the world over on April 25th, World Penguin Day recognizes one of the unique birds on the planet.

There are 17 species of penguins, and all their natural habitats are in the Southern hemisphere.

Emperor chic and adults

On this particular day for the penguins; we are getting terrible news through from the BBC.

Antarctica: Thousands of emperor penguin chicks wiped out

Thousands of emperor penguin chicks drowned when the sea-ice on which they were being raised was destroyed in severe weather.

The catastrophe occurred in 2016 in Antarctica’s Weddell Sea.

Scientists say the colony at the edge of the Brunt Ice Shelf has collapsed with adult birds showing no sign of trying to re-establish the population.

And it would probably be pointless for them to try as a giant iceberg is about to disrupt the site.

Read more and see more about this at the BBC link:

UK: APDAWG – UK Politicians Aiming to Improve Dog Health and Welfare.

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APDAWG is an All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) set up in 2017 to explore, highlight, discuss and challenge dog-related activities, legislation, and trends with the overall aim of improving the health and welfare of the UK’s dogs and dog owners, and society in general. For more information about APPGs click here.

APDAWG is chaired by Dr Lisa Cameron MP, with vice chairs including Zac Goldsmith MP, John McNally MP, Andrea Jenkyns MP, Ross Thompson MP, Tommy Sheppard MP, Ann Clwyd MP; with many other Parliamentarians, campaigners & ethical charities giving APDAWG  their generous support.

APDAWG meetings take place in Portcullis House (opposite Big Ben) usually every quarter. Meetings take the style of informal presentations about dog welfare topics followed by discussion encouraging further positive legislative change to improve UK dog welfare.

This Week Is ‘Lab Animal Week’ – See NON Animal Research Being Undertaken.

MPI Affe 3

This week it is Laboratory Animal Week.

Across the world; animals in labs are suffering in the most terrible ways. One of the aims of Lab Animal Week is to expose the suffering which goes on behind closed doors; and most importantly, to show that the are often NON ANIMAL research initiatives in existence which promote medical research without the use of animal models.

Here we are going to provide you with an insight into the UK organisation ‘Animal Free research’; and expose the many current research programs that they are working on which do not involve the use of animals at all.


Animal Free Research UK began as the Dr Hadwen Trust for Humane Research in 1970.

Walter Robert Hadwen was born in Woolwich on 3rd August 1854. He left school at thirteen, having passed his preliminary examination for entrance into the Pharmaceutical Society.

In 1872, at the age of eighteen, he moved to London where he had obtained a post at a pharmacy in Bedford Square.

It was also when he was about 21 that he became a vegetarian – originally betting a fellow-student that he could not live six months without meat. He not only proved that he could, but that he was in much better health.

He had already been upset at the suffering of animals killed for meat, and now he was convinced that the slaughter was both unnecessary and wrong. At the age of 22 he wrote: “For my part I am quite satisfied with my trial of Vegetarianism, and it would take more than mortal power to persuade me once again to make my stomach a graveyard for the purpose of burying dead bodies in!”

Read more –

It is based in Hertfordshire which is a county in England, UK.

Animal Free Research UK began in 1970 when the British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection (BUAV), now called Cruelty Free International, set up the Dr Hadwen Trust for Humane Research in honour of its former president, Dr Walter Hadwen.

We are a grant-giving trust, set up to award grants to scientists to help replace the use of animals in medical research. We split from the BUAV in 1980 and became a charity in our own right.

We became an incorporated charity in 2013 and in April 2017, we adopted the working name Animal Free Research UK.

Click on the following link to get more information on medical research which is currently being undertaken WITHOUT the use of any animal testing – also the further options to select other medical research projects



Brain Tumour Research

Diabetes Research

Breast Cancer Research

Chronic Pain Research

Using Thiel embalmed human cadavers to train doctors and test heart disease and stroke treatments

Human in vitro Brain Tumour methods to replace animal research.

The Animal Replacement Centre of Excellence (ARC).

Catch up with the latest NON ANIMAL research blog news – Well worth looking at !:



Lab Animal Week

Laboratory Animal Week: 24 – 30 April

Each year during Laboratory Animal Week, many volunteers proudly don red sashes and take to the streets, shaking a can on behalf of laboratory animals everywhere. These activities make a huge difference by raising much needed funds and increasing public awareness about our work.

Lab Animal Week 2006

The horrific story of the six (UK) human volunteers in the disastrous TGN1412 drug trial has forced some scientists to concede that the kind of non-animal alternative that we have been pushing should have been used.

TGN1412 had been extensively tested on animals. The dose that was given to the volunteers was 500 times lower than that which had caused no ill effects in monkeys.

It is accepted that animal models are poor predictors of the effects in humans, with around a third of all new drugs failing in human clinical trials. The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), the Government health watchdog, says that doses in clinical trials should be 100 times lower than doses that are safe in animals.

When the story broke, we were able to give the media details of species difference and of non-animal alternatives such as microdosing. Other commentators had to agree. Microdosing is a system that would replace many animal tests, as it involves administering ultra-low doses of a drug to human volunteers and analysing the results. It avoids species differences, it saves animals, and it is safer for the human volunteers



lab tat