Indonesian Province Pledges ‘Zero Tolerance’ for Dog Meat.



Indonesian Province Pledges ‘Zero Tolerance’ for Dog Meat

Indonesian Province Pledges ‘Zero Tolerance’ for Dog Meat

Progress toward ending the dog meat trade in Indonesia! This week, Governor Ganjar Pranowo called for a ban on the consumption of dog meat throughout Central Java.

Every month around 13,000 dogs are slaughtered for consumption in the region. Governor Ganjar Pranowo met with representatives from Dog Meat Free Indonesia on Tuesday, which was followed by his announcement.

He proclaimed, “We must push the Surakarta administration to issue a strict regulation that prohibits people from consuming or selling dog meat.”

Further legal support for this ban comes from a law passed in 2012 stating that dogs are not defined as food since they do not come from forests or farms. According to the Jakarta Post, Ganjar said, “The law clearly prohibits it. Once a regency issues a ban, every other region will follow suit. Agency heads will convene to discuss such a regulation.”

Many concerns surround the health and safety of the dog meat trade. The transportation of the dogs sent to slaughter increase the likelihood of the spread of disease such as rabies, and for the dogs the rampant abuse within the industry drew sympathy.

It is also a barbaric and inhumane business. Dogs are often beaten to death in front of onlookers, and some are blow torched while still alive.

While dog meat is easily found in the stalls of street vendors, only a small percentage of the population consumes dog meat. However, it is still a lucrative trade.

We applaud Governor Ganjar Pranowo for his call to help put an end this brutal practice, and urge other provinces to follow suit.

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